Long-Term Costs and Consequences for TBI Victims

You expect that the costs for treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be astronomical, and some statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) corroborate this point from a societal perspective. The lifetime economic costs of TBI are around $76.5 billion, before adjustment for inflation. Hospitalization is at the top of the list of expenses, but there are others – both direct and indirect. However, these amounts don’t account for how TBI affects you and your family at the personal level. When an individual suffers this type of harm, entire households sustain emotional and financial losses.
Though legal action cannot turn back time or eliminate the implications of TBI, you may get some comfort from knowing that you might qualify to recover compensation. An Ocala brain and head injuries lawyer can guide you through the process, but it’s important to understand the full extent of your long-term costs of TBI.
Medical Costs for TBI Treatment: Many victims of TBI will need care for an extended period in the aftermath of an accident, which is why hospitalization costs can be astronomical. In addition, the complicated nature of brain trauma means treatment from specialists and entire teams of health care providers. Once the TBI is stabilized, a victim will still be seeing physicians quite frequently and may incur life care costs for:
- Physical therapy;
- In-home skilled nursing staff;
- Assistance with hygiene, personal tasks, and daily routine;
- Medical equipment and assistive devices; and,
- Medications.
Long-Term Medical Complications: For severe TBIs, a victim may not enjoy a full recovery. Depending on the part of the brain that was damaged, individuals could be unable to drive, walk, or live independently. Other long-term and permanent complications include:
- Diminished cognitive capabilities;
- Hearing and vision impairment;
- Issues with motor skills; and,
- Emotional distress, mood swings, depression, and anger.
Indirect and Non-Medical Implications: Because of the damage to the brain, there are also complications that are indirectly related to health care. If the victim retains some mobility, he or she may be at increased risk of falls because of impaired perception and balance. Plus, TBI can heighten the potential for developing other medical conditions, including seizures, infections, pneumonia, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.
There are also costs of TBI that are unrelated to medical care. The individual may not ever work again, resulting in loss of future earning capacity and business opportunities. Often, family members choose to provide ongoing care, which means lost income that they would have made if the TBI accident had never happened.
Contact an Ocala, FL Brain and Head Injuries Attorney to Discuss Your Rights
If you or a loved one sustained a TBI, it’s important to understand and exercise your legal rights. By working with a knowledgeable lawyer, you’re in a better position to get the compensation you deserve for your losses. To learn more about how we can help, please contact the Ocala brain & head injury lawyers at the Musleh Law Firm. You can call 352-732-0600 or go online to set up a free consultation. Once we review your circumstances, we can advise you on your legal remedies.